Source code for pm4py.connectors

    PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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from typing import Optional
import pandas as pd
from pm4py.objects.ocel.obj import OCEL

[docs] def extract_log_outlook_mails() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts the history of conversations from the local instance of Microsoft Outlook running on the current computer. Columns: - **CASE ID (case:concept:name)**: Identifier of the conversation. - **ACTIVITY (concept:name)**: Activity performed in the current item (e.g., send e-mail, receive e-mail, refuse meeting). - **TIMESTAMP (time:timestamp)**: Timestamp of creation of the item in Outlook. - **RESOURCE (org:resource)**: Sender of the current item. See also: * [MailItem Properties]( * [OlObjectClass Enumeration]( :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_outlook_mails() """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import outlook_mail_extractor return outlook_mail_extractor.apply()
[docs] def extract_log_outlook_calendar(email_user: Optional[str] = None, calendar_id: int = 9) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts the history of calendar events (creation, update, start, end) into a Pandas DataFrame from the local Outlook instance running on the current computer. Columns: - **CASE ID (case:concept:name)**: Identifier of the meeting. - **ACTIVITY (concept:name)**: One of the following activities: Meeting Created, Last Change of Meeting, Meeting Started, Meeting Completed. - **TIMESTAMP (time:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the event. - **case:subject**: Subject of the meeting. :param email_user: (optional) E-mail address from which the (shared) calendar should be extracted. :param calendar_id: Identifier of the calendar for the given user (default: 9). :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py # Extract using default parameters dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_outlook_calendar() # Extract using a specific email user dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_outlook_calendar("") """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import outlook_calendar parameters = {} parameters[outlook_calendar.Parameters.EMAIL_USER] = email_user parameters[outlook_calendar.Parameters.CALENDAR_ID] = calendar_id return outlook_calendar.apply(parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_windows_events() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a process mining DataFrame from all events recorded in the Windows registry. Columns: - **CASE ID (case:concept:name)**: Name of the computer emitting the events. - **ACTIVITY (concept:name)**: Concatenation of the source name of the event and the event identifier. (See [Win32_NTLogEvent]( - **TIMESTAMP (time:timestamp)**: Timestamp of event generation. - **RESOURCE (org:resource)**: Username involved in the event. :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_windows_events() """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import windows_events return windows_events.apply()
[docs] def extract_log_chrome_history(history_db_path: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame containing the navigation history of Google Chrome. Please ensure that Google Chrome history is closed when extracting. Columns: - **CASE ID (case:concept:name)**: Identifier of the extracted profile. - **ACTIVITY (concept:name)**: Complete path of the website, excluding GET arguments. - **TIMESTAMP (time:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the visit. :param history_db_path: Path to the Google Chrome history database (default: location of the Windows folder). :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_chrome_history() """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import chrome_history parameters = {} if history_db_path is not None: parameters[chrome_history.Parameters.HISTORY_DB_PATH] = history_db_path return chrome_history.apply(parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_firefox_history(history_db_path: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame containing the navigation history of Mozilla Firefox. Please ensure that Mozilla Firefox history is closed when extracting. Columns: - **CASE ID (case:concept:name)**: Identifier of the extracted profile. - **ACTIVITY (concept:name)**: Complete path of the website, excluding GET arguments. - **TIMESTAMP (time:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the visit. :param history_db_path: Path to the Mozilla Firefox history database (default: location of the Windows folder). :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_firefox_history() """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import firefox_history parameters = {} if history_db_path is not None: parameters[firefox_history.Parameters.HISTORY_DB_PATH] = history_db_path return firefox_history.apply(parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_github(owner: str = "pm4py", repo: str = "pm4py-core", auth_token: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame containing the history of issues from a GitHub repository. Due to API rate limits for public and registered users, only a subset of events may be returned. :param owner: Owner of the repository (e.g., pm4py). :param repo: Name of the repository (e.g., pm4py-core). :param auth_token: Authorization token. :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_github(owner='pm4py', repo='pm4py-core') """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import github_repo parameters = {} parameters[github_repo.Parameters.OWNER] = owner parameters[github_repo.Parameters.REPOSITORY] = repo parameters[github_repo.Parameters.AUTH_TOKEN] = auth_token return github_repo.apply(parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_camunda_workflow(connection_string: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame from the Camunda workflow system. In addition to traditional columns, the process ID of the process in Camunda is included. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the Camunda database. :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_camunda_workflow( 'Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};SERVER=;DATABASE=process-engine;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import camunda_workflow parameters = {} parameters[camunda_workflow.Parameters.CONNECTION_STRING] = connection_string return camunda_workflow.apply(None, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_sap_o2c(connection_string: str, prefix: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame for the SAP Order-to-Cash (O2C) process. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the SAP database. :param prefix: Prefix for the tables (e.g., SAPSR3.). :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_sap_o2c( 'Driver={Oracle in instantclient_21_6};DBQ=;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import sap_o2c parameters = {} parameters[sap_o2c.Parameters.CONNECTION_STRING] = connection_string parameters[sap_o2c.Parameters.PREFIX] = prefix return sap_o2c.apply(None, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_log_sap_accounting(connection_string: str, prefix: str = "") -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extracts a DataFrame for the SAP Accounting process. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the SAP database. :param prefix: Prefix for the tables (e.g., SAPSR3.). :rtype: ``pd.DataFrame`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_sap_accounting( 'Driver={Oracle in instantclient_21_6};DBQ=;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ from pm4py.algo.connectors.variants import sap_accounting parameters = {} parameters[sap_accounting.Parameters.CONNECTION_STRING] = connection_string parameters[sap_accounting.Parameters.PREFIX] = prefix return sap_accounting.apply(None, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def extract_ocel_outlook_mails() -> OCEL: """ Extracts the history of conversations from the local instance of Microsoft Outlook running on the current computer as an object-centric event log. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Activity performed in the current item (e.g., send e-mail, receive e-mail, refuse meeting). - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of creation of the item in Outlook. Object Types: - **org:resource**: Sender of the mail. - **recipients**: List of recipients of the mail. - **topic**: Topic of the discussion. See also: * [MailItem Properties]( * [OlObjectClass Enumeration]( :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_outlook_mails() """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_outlook_mails() return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["org:resource", "recipients", "topic"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_outlook_calendar(email_user: Optional[str] = None, calendar_id: int = 9) -> OCEL: """ Extracts the history of calendar events (creation, update, start, end) as an object-centric event log from the local Outlook instance running on the current computer. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: One of the following activities: Meeting Created, Last Change of Meeting, Meeting Started, Meeting Completed. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the event. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Identifier of the meeting. - **case:subject**: Subject of the meeting. :param email_user: (optional) E-mail address from which the (shared) calendar should be extracted. :param calendar_id: Identifier of the calendar for the given user (default: 9). :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py # Extract using default parameters ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_outlook_calendar() # Extract using a specific email user ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_outlook_calendar("") """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_outlook_calendar(email_user, calendar_id) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "case:subject"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_windows_events() -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log from all events recorded in the Windows registry. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Concatenation of the source name of the event and the event identifier. (See [Win32_NTLogEvent]( - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of event generation. Object Types: - **categoryString**: Translation of the subcategory. The translation is source-specific. - **computerName**: Name of the computer that generated the event. - **eventIdentifier**: Identifier of the event, specific to the source that generated the event log entry. - **eventType**: Event type classification (1=Error; 2=Warning; 3=Information; 4=Security Audit Success; 5=Security Audit Failure). - **sourceName**: Name of the source (application, service, driver, or subsystem) that generated the entry. - **user**: Username of the logged-on user when the event occurred. If the username cannot be determined, this will be NULL. :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_windows_events() """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_windows_events() return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["categoryString", "computerName", "eventIdentifier", "eventType", "sourceName", "user"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_chrome_history(history_db_path: Optional[str] = None) -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log containing the navigation history of Google Chrome. Please ensure that Google Chrome history is closed when extracting. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Complete path of the website, excluding GET arguments. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the visit. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Profile of Chrome used to visit the site. - **complete_url**: Complete URL of the website. - **url_wo_parameters**: Complete URL excluding the part after '?'. - **domain**: Domain of the visited website. :param history_db_path: Path to the Google Chrome history database (default: location of the Windows folder). :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_chrome_history() """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_chrome_history(history_db_path) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "complete_url", "url_wo_parameters", "domain"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_firefox_history(history_db_path: Optional[str] = None) -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log containing the navigation history of Mozilla Firefox. Please ensure that Mozilla Firefox history is closed when extracting. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Complete path of the website, excluding GET arguments. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the visit. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Profile of Firefox used to visit the site. - **complete_url**: Complete URL of the website. - **url_wo_parameters**: Complete URL excluding the part after '?'. - **domain**: Domain of the visited website. :param history_db_path: Path to the Mozilla Firefox history database (default: location of the Windows folder). :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_firefox_history() """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_firefox_history(history_db_path) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "complete_url", "url_wo_parameters", "domain"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_github(owner: str = "pm4py", repo: str = "pm4py-core", auth_token: Optional[str] = None) -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log containing the history of issues from a GitHub repository. Due to API rate limits for public and registered users, only a subset of events may be returned. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: The event type (e.g., created, commented, closed, subscribed). - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the event execution. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: URL of the events related to the issue. - **org:resource**: Involved resource. - **case:repo**: Repository in which the issue was created. :param owner: Owner of the repository (e.g., pm4py). :param repo: Name of the repository (e.g., pm4py-core). :param auth_token: Authorization token. :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_github(owner='pm4py', repo='pm4py-core') """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_github(owner, repo, auth_token) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "org:resource", "case:repo"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_camunda_workflow(connection_string: str) -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log from the Camunda workflow system. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Activity performed within Camunda. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the activity execution. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Identifier of the case. - **processID**: Process ID within Camunda. - **org:resource**: Resource involved in the activity. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the Camunda database. :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_camunda_workflow( 'Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};SERVER=;DATABASE=process-engine;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_camunda_workflow(connection_string) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "processID", "org:resource"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_sap_o2c(connection_string: str, prefix: str = '') -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log for the SAP Order-to-Cash (O2C) process. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Activity performed in the O2C process. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the activity execution. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Identifier of the case. - **org:resource**: Resource involved in the activity. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the SAP database. :param prefix: Prefix for the tables (e.g., SAPSR3.). :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_sap_o2c( 'Driver={Oracle in instantclient_21_6};DBQ=;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_sap_o2c(connection_string, prefix=prefix) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "org:resource"] )
[docs] def extract_ocel_sap_accounting(connection_string: str, prefix: str = '') -> OCEL: """ Extracts an object-centric event log for the SAP Accounting process. Columns: - **ACTIVITY (ocel:activity)**: Activity performed in the Accounting process. - **TIMESTAMP (ocel:timestamp)**: Timestamp of the activity execution. Object Types: - **case:concept:name**: Identifier of the case. - **org:resource**: Resource involved in the activity. :param connection_string: ODBC connection string to the SAP database. :param prefix: Prefix for the tables (e.g., SAPSR3.). :rtype: ``OCEL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.connectors.extract_ocel_sap_accounting( 'Driver={Oracle in instantclient_21_6};DBQ=;UID=xx;PWD=yy' ) """ import pm4py dataframe = pm4py.connectors.extract_log_sap_accounting(connection_string, prefix=prefix) return pm4py.convert_log_to_ocel( dataframe, case_id_col="concept:name", timestamp_col="time:timestamp", object_attributes=["case:concept:name", "org:resource"] )