Source code for pm4py.discovery

    PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
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__doc__ = """
The ``pm4py.discovery`` module contains the process discovery algorithms implemented in ``pm4py``.

from typing import Tuple, Union, List, Dict, Any, Optional, Set
from collections import Counter

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

from pm4py.objects.bpmn.obj import BPMN
from pm4py.objects.dfg.obj import DFG
from pm4py.objects.powl.obj import POWL
from pm4py.objects.heuristics_net.obj import HeuristicsNet
from pm4py.objects.transition_system.obj import TransitionSystem
from pm4py.objects.trie.obj import Trie
from pm4py.objects.log.obj import EventLog
from pm4py.objects.log.obj import EventStream
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.obj import PetriNet, Marking
from pm4py.objects.process_tree.obj import ProcessTree
from pm4py.util.pandas_utils import check_is_pandas_dataframe, check_pandas_dataframe_columns
from pm4py.utils import get_properties, __event_log_deprecation_warning
from pm4py.util import constants, pandas_utils
import deprecation
import importlib.util

[docs] def discover_dfg(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]: """ Discovers a Directly-Follows Graph (DFG) from a log. This method returns a tuple containing: - A dictionary with pairs of directly-following activities as keys and the frequency of the relationship as values. - A dictionary of start activities with their respective frequencies. - A dictionary of end activities with their respective frequencies. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple of three dictionaries: (dfg, start_activities, end_activities). :rtype: ``Tuple[dict, dict, dict]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dfg, start_activities, end_activities = pm4py.discover_dfg( dataframe, case_id_key='case:concept:name', activity_key='concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.util import constants from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg.adapters.pandas.df_statistics import get_dfg_graph dfg = get_dfg_graph(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_glue=case_id_key) from pm4py.statistics.start_activities.pandas import get as start_activities_module from pm4py.statistics.end_activities.pandas import get as end_activities_module start_activities = start_activities_module.get_start_activities( log, parameters=properties) end_activities = end_activities_module.get_end_activities( log, parameters=properties) else: from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg import algorithm as dfg_discovery dfg = dfg_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties) from pm4py.statistics.start_activities.log import get as start_activities_module from pm4py.statistics.end_activities.log import get as end_activities_module start_activities = start_activities_module.get_start_activities( log, parameters=properties) end_activities = end_activities_module.get_end_activities( log, parameters=properties) return dfg, start_activities, end_activities
[docs] def discover_directly_follows_graph(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]: return discover_dfg(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key)
[docs] def discover_dfg_typed(log: pd.DataFrame, case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp") -> DFG: """ Discovers a typed Directly-Follows Graph (DFG) from a log. This method returns a typed DFG object, as specified in ```` (``DirectlyFollowsGraph`` Class). The DFG object includes the graph, start activities, and end activities. - The graph is a collection of triples of the form (a, b, f) representing an arc a->b with frequency f. - The start activities are a collection of tuples of the form (a, f) representing that activity a starts f cases. - The end activities are a collection of tuples of the form (a, f) representing that activity a ends f cases. This method replaces ``pm4py.discover_dfg`` and ``pm4py.discover_directly_follows_graph``. In future releases, these functions will adopt the same behavior as this function. :param log: ``pandas.DataFrame`` :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :return: A typed DFG object containing the graph, start activities, and end activities. :rtype: ``DFG`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dfg = pm4py.discover_dfg_typed( log, case_id_key='case:concept:name', activity_key='concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg.variants import clean parameters = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) if importlib.util.find_spec("polars"): import polars as pl if isinstance(log, pl.DataFrame): from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg.variants import clean_polars return clean_polars.apply(log, parameters) if pandas_utils.check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): return clean.apply(log, parameters) else: raise TypeError('pm4py.discover_dfg_typed is only defined for DataFrames')
[docs] def discover_performance_dfg(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], business_hours: bool = False, business_hour_slots=constants.DEFAULT_BUSINESS_HOUR_SLOTS, workcalendar=constants.DEFAULT_BUSINESS_HOURS_WORKCALENDAR, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]: """ Discovers a Performance Directly-Follows Graph from an event log. This method returns a tuple containing: - A dictionary with pairs of directly-following activities as keys and the performance metrics of the relationship as values. - A dictionary of start activities with their respective frequencies. - A dictionary of end activities with their respective frequencies. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param business_hours: Enables or disables computation based on business hours (default: False). :param business_hour_slots: Work schedule of the company, provided as a list of tuples where each tuple represents one time slot of business hours. Each slot consists of a start and end time given in seconds since the week start. Example: ```python [ (7 * 60 * 60, 17 * 60 * 60), # Monday 07:00 - 17:00 ((24 + 7) * 60 * 60, (24 + 12) * 60 * 60), # Tuesday 07:00 - 12:00 ((24 + 13) * 60 * 60, (24 + 17) * 60 * 60) # Tuesday 13:00 - 17:00 ] ``` :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple of three dictionaries: (performance_dfg, start_activities, end_activities). :rtype: ``Tuple[dict, dict, dict]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py performance_dfg, start_activities, end_activities = pm4py.discover_performance_dfg( dataframe, case_id_key='case:concept:name', activity_key='concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.util import constants from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg.adapters.pandas.df_statistics import get_dfg_graph dfg = get_dfg_graph(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_glue=case_id_key, measure="performance", perf_aggregation_key="all", business_hours=business_hours, business_hours_slot=business_hour_slots, workcalendar=workcalendar) from pm4py.statistics.start_activities.pandas import get as start_activities_module from pm4py.statistics.end_activities.pandas import get as end_activities_module start_activities = start_activities_module.get_start_activities( log, parameters=properties) end_activities = end_activities_module.get_end_activities( log, parameters=properties) else: from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg.variants import performance as dfg_discovery properties[dfg_discovery.Parameters.AGGREGATION_MEASURE] = "all" properties[dfg_discovery.Parameters.BUSINESS_HOURS] = business_hours properties[dfg_discovery.Parameters.BUSINESS_HOUR_SLOTS] = business_hour_slots dfg = dfg_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties) from pm4py.statistics.start_activities.log import get as start_activities_module from pm4py.statistics.end_activities.log import get as end_activities_module start_activities = start_activities_module.get_start_activities( log, parameters=properties) end_activities = end_activities_module.get_end_activities( log, parameters=properties) return dfg, start_activities, end_activities
[docs] def discover_petri_net_alpha(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Discovers a Petri net using the Alpha Miner. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple containing the Petri net, initial marking, and final marking. :rtype: ``Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_alpha( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import algorithm as alpha_miner return alpha_miner.apply(log, variant=alpha_miner.Variants.ALPHA_VERSION_CLASSIC, parameters=get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key))
[docs] def discover_petri_net_ilp(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], alpha: float = 1.0, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Discovers a Petri net using the ILP Miner. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param alpha: Noise threshold for the sequence encoding graph (1.0=no filtering, 0.0=maximum filtering) (default: 1.0). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple containing the Petri net, initial marking, and final marking. :rtype: ``Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_ilp( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) parameters = get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) parameters["alpha"] = alpha from pm4py.algo.discovery.ilp import algorithm as ilp_miner return ilp_miner.apply(log, variant=ilp_miner.Variants.CLASSIC, parameters=parameters)
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.3.0", removed_in="3.0.0", details="This method will be removed in a future release.") def discover_petri_net_alpha_plus(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Discovers a Petri net using the Alpha+ algorithm. .. deprecated:: 2.3.0 This method will be removed in version 3.0.0. Use other discovery methods instead. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple containing the Petri net, initial marking, and final marking. :rtype: ``Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_alpha_plus( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import algorithm as alpha_miner return alpha_miner.apply(log, variant=alpha_miner.Variants.ALPHA_VERSION_PLUS, parameters=get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key))
[docs] def discover_petri_net_inductive(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame, DFG], multi_processing: bool = constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT, noise_threshold: float = 0.0, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", disable_fallthroughs: bool = False) -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Discovers a Petri net using the Inductive Miner algorithm. The Inductive Miner detects a 'cut' in the log (e.g., sequential, parallel, concurrent, loop) and recursively applies the algorithm to sublogs until a base case is found. Inductive miner models typically use hidden transitions for skipping or looping portions of the model, and each visible transition has a unique label. :param log: Event log, Pandas DataFrame, or typed DFG. :param multi_processing: Enables or disables multiprocessing in the Inductive Miner (default: constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT). :param noise_threshold: Noise threshold (default: 0.0). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param disable_fallthroughs: Disables the Inductive Miner fall-throughs (default: False). :return: A tuple containing the Petri net, initial marking, and final marking. :rtype: ``Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_inductive( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) pt = discover_process_tree_inductive( log, noise_threshold, multi_processing=multi_processing, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key, disable_fallthroughs=disable_fallthroughs) from pm4py.convert import convert_to_petri_net return convert_to_petri_net(pt)
[docs] def discover_petri_net_heuristics(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], dependency_threshold: float = 0.5, and_threshold: float = 0.65, loop_two_threshold: float = 0.5, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Discovers a Petri net using the Heuristics Miner. Heuristics Miner operates on the Directly-Follows Graph, handling noise and identifying common constructs such as dependencies between activities and parallelism. The output is a Heuristics Net, which can then be converted into a Petri net. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param dependency_threshold: Dependency threshold (default: 0.5). :param and_threshold: AND threshold for parallelism (default: 0.65). :param loop_two_threshold: Loop two threshold (default: 0.5). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A tuple containing the Petri net, initial marking, and final marking. :rtype: ``Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_heuristics( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) from pm4py.algo.discovery.heuristics.variants import classic as heuristics_miner heu_parameters = heuristics_miner.Parameters parameters = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) parameters[heu_parameters.DEPENDENCY_THRESH] = dependency_threshold parameters[heu_parameters.AND_MEASURE_THRESH] = and_threshold parameters[heu_parameters.LOOP_LENGTH_TWO_THRESH] = loop_two_threshold if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) return heuristics_miner.apply_pandas(log, parameters=parameters) else: return heuristics_miner.apply(log, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def discover_process_tree_inductive(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame, DFG], noise_threshold: float = 0.0, multi_processing: bool = constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", disable_fallthroughs: bool = False) -> ProcessTree: """ Discovers a Process Tree using the Inductive Miner algorithm. The Inductive Miner detects a 'cut' in the log (e.g., sequential, parallel, concurrent, loop) and recursively applies the algorithm to sublogs until a base case is found. Inductive miner models typically use hidden transitions for skipping or looping portions of the model, and each visible transition has a unique label. :param log: Event log, Pandas DataFrame, or typed DFG. :param noise_threshold: Noise threshold (default: 0.0). :param multi_processing: Enables or disables multiprocessing in the Inductive Miner (default: constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param disable_fallthroughs: Disables the Inductive Miner fall-throughs (default: False). :return: A ProcessTree object. :rtype: ``ProcessTree`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py process_tree = pm4py.discover_process_tree_inductive( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.discovery.inductive import algorithm as inductive_miner parameters = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) parameters["noise_threshold"] = noise_threshold parameters["multiprocessing"] = multi_processing parameters["disable_fallthroughs"] = disable_fallthroughs variant = inductive_miner.Variants.IMf if noise_threshold > 0 else inductive_miner.Variants.IM if isinstance(log, DFG): variant = inductive_miner.Variants.IMd return inductive_miner.apply(log, variant=variant, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def discover_heuristics_net(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], dependency_threshold: float = 0.5, and_threshold: float = 0.65, loop_two_threshold: float = 0.5, min_act_count: int = 1, min_dfg_occurrences: int = 1, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", decoration: str = "frequency") -> HeuristicsNet: """ Discovers a Heuristics Net. Heuristics Miner operates on the Directly-Follows Graph, handling noise and identifying common constructs such as dependencies between activities and parallelism. The output is a Heuristics Net, which can then be converted into a Petri net. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param dependency_threshold: Dependency threshold (default: 0.5). :param and_threshold: AND threshold for parallelism (default: 0.65). :param loop_two_threshold: Loop two threshold (default: 0.5). :param min_act_count: Minimum number of occurrences per activity to be included in the discovery (default: 1). :param min_dfg_occurrences: Minimum number of occurrences per arc in the DFG to be included in the discovery (default: 1). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param decoration: The decoration to be used ("frequency" or "performance") (default: "frequency"). :return: A HeuristicsNet object. :rtype: ``HeuristicsNet`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py heu_net = pm4py.discover_heuristics_net( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) from pm4py.algo.discovery.heuristics.variants import classic as heuristics_miner heu_parameters = heuristics_miner.Parameters parameters = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) parameters[heu_parameters.DEPENDENCY_THRESH] = dependency_threshold parameters[heu_parameters.AND_MEASURE_THRESH] = and_threshold parameters[heu_parameters.LOOP_LENGTH_TWO_THRESH] = loop_two_threshold parameters[heu_parameters.MIN_ACT_COUNT] = min_act_count parameters[heu_parameters.MIN_DFG_OCCURRENCES] = min_dfg_occurrences parameters[heu_parameters.HEU_NET_DECORATION] = decoration if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) return heuristics_miner.apply_heu_pandas(log, parameters=parameters) else: return heuristics_miner.apply_heu(log, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def derive_minimum_self_distance(log: Union[DataFrame, EventLog, EventStream], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Dict[str, int]: """ Computes the minimum self-distance for each activity observed in an event log. The self-distance of activity `a` in `<a>` is infinity, in `<a, a>` is 0, in `<a, b, a>` is 1, etc. The activity key 'concept:name' is used. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A dictionary mapping each activity to its minimum self-distance. :rtype: ``Dict[str, int]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py msd = pm4py.derive_minimum_self_distance( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.discovery.minimum_self_distance import algorithm as msd return msd.apply(log, parameters=get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key))
[docs] def discover_footprints(*args: Union[EventLog, Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking], ProcessTree]) -> Union[ List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Discovers the footprints from the provided event log or process model. Footprints are a high-level representation of the behavior captured in the event log or process model. :param args: Event log, process model (Petri net and markings), or ProcessTree. :return: A list of footprint dictionaries or a single footprint dictionary. :rtype: ``Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py footprints = pm4py.discover_footprints( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ from pm4py.algo.discovery.footprints import algorithm as fp_discovery return fp_discovery.apply(*args)
[docs] def discover_eventually_follows_graph(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], int]: """ Generates the Eventually-Follows Graph from a log. The Eventually-Follows Graph is a dictionary that maps each pair of activities to the number of times one activity eventually follows the other in the log. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A dictionary mapping each pair of activities to the count of their eventually-follows relationship. :rtype: ``Dict[Tuple[str, str], int]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py efg = pm4py.discover_eventually_follows_graph( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.statistics.eventually_follows.pandas import get return get.apply(log, parameters=properties) else: from pm4py.statistics.eventually_follows.log import get return get.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_bpmn_inductive(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame, DFG], noise_threshold: float = 0.0, multi_processing: bool = constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", disable_fallthroughs: bool = False) -> BPMN: """ Discovers a BPMN model using the Inductive Miner algorithm. The Inductive Miner detects a 'cut' in the log (e.g., sequential, parallel, concurrent, loop) and recursively applies the algorithm to sublogs until a base case is found. Inductive miner models typically use hidden transitions for skipping or looping portions of the model, and each visible transition has a unique label. :param log: Event log, Pandas DataFrame, or typed DFG. :param noise_threshold: Noise threshold (default: 0.0). :param multi_processing: Enables or disables multiprocessing in the Inductive Miner (default: constants.ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING_DEFAULT). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param disable_fallthroughs: Disables the Inductive Miner fall-throughs (default: False). :return: A BPMN object representing the discovered BPMN model. :rtype: ``BPMN`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py bpmn_graph = pm4py.discover_bpmn_inductive( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) pt = discover_process_tree_inductive( log, noise_threshold, multi_processing=multi_processing, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key, disable_fallthroughs=disable_fallthroughs) from pm4py.convert import convert_to_bpmn return convert_to_bpmn(pt)
[docs] def discover_transition_system(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], direction: str = "forward", window: int = 2, view: str = "sequence", activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> TransitionSystem: """ Discovers a Transition System from a log. The Transition System is built based on the specified direction, window size, and view. It captures the transitions between states of activity sequences. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param direction: Direction in which the transition system is built ("forward" or "backward") (default: "forward"). :param window: Window size for state construction (e.g., 2, 3) (default: 2). :param view: View to use in the construction of the states ("sequence", "set", "multiset") (default: "sequence"). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A TransitionSystem object representing the discovered transition system. :rtype: ``TransitionSystem`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py transition_system = pm4py.discover_transition_system( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties["direction"] = direction properties["window"] = window properties["view"] = view from pm4py.algo.discovery.transition_system import algorithm as ts_discovery return ts_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_prefix_tree(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Trie: """ Discovers a Prefix Tree from the provided log. A Prefix Tree represents all the unique prefixes of activity sequences in the log. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A Trie object representing the discovered prefix tree. :rtype: ``Trie`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py prefix_tree = pm4py.discover_prefix_tree( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.transformation.log_to_trie import algorithm as trie_discovery return trie_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_temporal_profile(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[float, float]]: """ Discovers a Temporal Profile from a log. Implements the approach described in: Stertz, Florian, Jürgen Mangler, and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma. "Temporal Conformance Checking at Runtime based on Time-infused Process Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.07262 (2020). The output is a dictionary containing, for every pair of activities that eventually follow each other in at least one case of the log, the average and the standard deviation of the time difference between their timestamps. Example: If the log has two cases: - Case 1: A (timestamp: 1980-01) → B (timestamp: 1980-03) → C (timestamp: 1980-06) - Case 2: A (timestamp: 1990-01) → B (timestamp: 1990-02) → D (timestamp: 1990-03) The returned dictionary will contain: ``` { ('A', 'B'): (1.5 months, 0.5 months), ('A', 'C'): (5 months, 0), ('A', 'D'): (2 months, 0) } ``` :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A dictionary mapping each pair of activities to a tuple of (average time difference, standard deviation). :rtype: ``Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[float, float]]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py temporal_profile = pm4py.discover_temporal_profile( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) from pm4py.algo.discovery.temporal_profile import algorithm as temporal_profile_discovery return temporal_profile_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_log_skeleton(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], noise_threshold: float = 0.0, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Discovers a Log Skeleton from an event log. A Log Skeleton is a declarative model consisting of six different constraints: - **directly_follows**: Specifies strict bounds on activities that directly follow each other. Example: 'A should be directly followed by B' and 'B should be directly followed by C'. - **always_before**: Specifies that some activities may only be executed if certain other activities have been executed earlier in the case. Example: 'C should always be preceded by A'. - **always_after**: Specifies that certain activities should always trigger the execution of some other activities later in the case. Example: 'A should always be followed by C'. - **equivalence**: Specifies that a given pair of activities should occur the same number of times within a case. Example: 'B and C should always occur the same number of times'. - **never_together**: Specifies that a given pair of activities should never occur together in a case. Example: 'There should be no case containing both C and D'. - **activ_occurrences**: Specifies allowed numbers of occurrences per activity. Example: 'Activity A can occur 1 or 2 times, and Activity B can occur 1 to 4 times'. Reference paper: Verbeek, H. M. W., and R. Medeiros de Carvalho. "Log skeletons: A classification approach to process discovery." arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08247 (2018). :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param noise_threshold: Noise threshold influencing the strictness of constraints (default: 0.0). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A dictionary representing the Log Skeleton with various constraints. :rtype: ``Dict[str, Any]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py log_skeleton = pm4py.discover_log_skeleton( dataframe, noise_threshold=0.1, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties["noise_threshold"] = noise_threshold from pm4py.algo.discovery.log_skeleton import algorithm as log_skeleton_discovery return log_skeleton_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_declare(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], allowed_templates: Optional[Set[str]] = None, considered_activities: Optional[Set[str]] = None, min_support_ratio: Optional[float] = None, min_confidence_ratio: Optional[float] = None, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> Dict[str, Dict[Any, Dict[str, int]]]: """ Discovers a DECLARE model from an event log. Reference paper: F. M. Maggi, A. J. Mooij and W. M. P. van der Aalst, "User-guided discovery of declarative process models," 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), Paris, France, 2011, pp. 192-199, doi: 10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949297. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param allowed_templates: (Optional) Set of DECLARE templates to consider for discovery. :param considered_activities: (Optional) Set of activities to consider for discovery. :param min_support_ratio: (Optional) Minimum percentage of cases for which the discovered rules apply. :param min_confidence_ratio: (Optional) Minimum percentage of cases for which the discovered rules are valid, based on the rule's support. :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A dictionary representing the discovered DECLARE model with constraints and their parameters. :rtype: ``Dict[str, Dict[Any, Dict[str, int]]]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py declare_model = pm4py.discover_declare(log) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties["allowed_templates"] = allowed_templates properties["considered_activities"] = considered_activities properties["min_support_ratio"] = min_support_ratio properties["min_confidence_ratio"] = min_confidence_ratio from pm4py.algo.discovery.declare import algorithm as declare_discovery return declare_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_powl(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], variant=None, filtering_weight_factor: float = 0.0, order_graph_filtering_threshold: float = None, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name") -> POWL: """ Discovers a POWL (Partially Ordered Workflow Language) model from an event log. Reference paper: Kourani, Humam, and Sebastiaan J. van Zelst. "POWL: partially ordered workflow language." International Conference on Business Process Management. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param variant: Variant of the POWL discovery algorithm to use. :param filtering_weight_factor: Factoring threshold for filtering weights, accepts values 0 <= x < 1 (default: 0.0). :param order_graph_filtering_threshold: Filtering threshold for the order graph, valid for the DYNAMIC_CLUSTERING variant, accepts values 0.5 < x <= 1 (default: None). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :return: A POWL object representing the discovered POWL model. :rtype: ``POWL`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py log = pm4py.read_xes('tests/input_data/receipt.xes') powl_model = pm4py.discover_powl( log, activity_key='concept:name' ) print(powl_model) """ from pm4py.algo.discovery.powl.inductive.variants.dynamic_clustering_frequency.dynamic_clustering_frequency_partial_order_cut import \ ORDER_FREQUENCY_RATIO from pm4py.algo.discovery.powl.inductive.variants.powl_discovery_varaints import POWLDiscoveryVariant if variant is None: variant = POWLDiscoveryVariant.MAXIMAL __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) import pm4py log = pm4py.convert_to_event_log(log, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key) if order_graph_filtering_threshold is not None: if variant is POWLDiscoveryVariant.DYNAMIC_CLUSTERING: properties[ORDER_FREQUENCY_RATIO] = order_graph_filtering_threshold else: raise Exception("The order graph filtering threshold can only be used for the DYNAMIC_CLUSTERING variant.") properties["filtering_threshold"] = filtering_weight_factor from pm4py.algo.discovery.powl import algorithm as powl_discovery return powl_discovery.apply(log, variant=variant, parameters=properties)
[docs] def discover_batches(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], merge_distance: int = 15 * 60, min_batch_size: int = 2, activity_key: str = "concept:name", timestamp_key: str = "time:timestamp", case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", resource_key: str = "org:resource") -> List[ Tuple[Tuple[str, str], int, Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Discovers batches from the provided log. An activity is executed in batches by a given resource when the resource performs the same activity multiple times in a short period. Identifying such activities may highlight repetitive tasks that could be automated. The following batch categories are detected: - **Simultaneous**: All events in the batch have identical start and end timestamps. - **Batching at Start**: All events in the batch have identical start timestamps. - **Batching at End**: All events in the batch have identical end timestamps. - **Sequential Batching**: Consecutive events have the end of the first equal to the start of the second. - **Concurrent Batching**: Consecutive events that do not match sequentially. Reference paper: Martin, N., Swennen, M., Depaire, B., Jans, M., Caris, A., & Vanhoof, K. (2015, December). Batch Processing: Definition and Event Log Identification. In SIMPDA (pp. 137-140). :param log: Event log or Pandas DataFrame. :param merge_distance: Maximum time distance (in seconds) between non-overlapping intervals to consider them part of the same batch (default: 900 seconds, i.e., 15 minutes). :param min_batch_size: Minimum number of events required to form a batch (default: 2). :param activity_key: Attribute to be used for the activity (default: "concept:name"). :param timestamp_key: Attribute to be used for the timestamp (default: "time:timestamp"). :param case_id_key: Attribute to be used as case identifier (default: "case:concept:name"). :param resource_key: Attribute to be used as resource (default: "org:resource"). :return: A sorted list of tuples, each containing: - The (activity, resource) pair. - The number of batches for the given activity-resource. - A dictionary with batch details. :rtype: ``List[Tuple[Tuple[str, str], int, Dict[str, Any]]]`` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py batches = pm4py.discover_batches( dataframe, activity_key='concept:name', case_id_key='case:concept:name', timestamp_key='time:timestamp', resource_key='org:resource' ) """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns( log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key) properties = get_properties(log, activity_key=activity_key, timestamp_key=timestamp_key, case_id_key=case_id_key, resource_key=resource_key) properties["merge_distance"] = merge_distance properties["min_batch_size"] = min_batch_size from pm4py.algo.discovery.batches import algorithm as batches_discovery return batches_discovery.apply(log, parameters=properties)