Source code for pm4py.objects.conversion.process_tree.variants.to_petri_net

    PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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import time
import uuid

from pm4py.objects.petri_net.obj import Marking
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.obj import PetriNet
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.utils.petri_utils import remove_transition, add_arc_from_to, remove_place
from pm4py.objects.process_tree.obj import ProcessTree
from pm4py.objects.process_tree.obj import Operator
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.utils import reduction

[docs] class Counts(object): """ Shared variables among executions """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self.num_places = 0 self.num_hidden = 0 self.num_visible_trans = 0 self.dict_skips = {} self.dict_loops = {}
[docs] def inc_places(self): """ Increase the number of places """ self.num_places = self.num_places + 1
[docs] def inc_no_hidden(self): """ Increase the number of hidden transitions """ self.num_hidden = self.num_hidden + 1
[docs] def inc_no_visible(self): """ Increase the number of visible transitions """ self.num_visible_trans = self.num_visible_trans + 1
[docs] def clean_duplicate_transitions(net): """ Clean duplicate transitions in a Petri net Parameters ------------ net Petri net Returns ------------ net Cleaned Petri net """ transitions = list(net.transitions) already_visited_combo = set() for i in range(0, len(transitions)): trans = transitions[i] if trans.label is None: in_arcs = trans.in_arcs out_arcs = trans.out_arcs to_delete = False for in_arc in in_arcs: in_place = in_arc.source for out_arc in out_arcs: out_place = combo = + " " + if combo in already_visited_combo: to_delete = True break already_visited_combo.add(combo) if to_delete: net = remove_transition(net, trans) return net
[docs] def get_new_place(counts): """ Create a new place in the Petri net """ counts.inc_places() return PetriNet.Place('p_' + str(counts.num_places))
[docs] def get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="unknown"): """ Create a new hidden transition in the Petri net """ counts.inc_no_hidden() return PetriNet.Transition(type_trans + '_' + str(counts.num_hidden), None)
[docs] def get_transition(counts, label): """ Create a transitions with the specified label in the Petri net """ counts.inc_no_visible() return PetriNet.Transition(str(uuid.uuid4()), label)
[docs] def get_first_terminal_child_transitions(tree): """ Gets the list of transitions belonging to the first terminal child node of the current tree Parameters ---------- tree Process tree Returns --------- transitions_list List of transitions belonging to the first terminal child node """ if tree.children: if tree.children[0].operator: return get_first_terminal_child_transitions(tree.children[0]) else: if tree.children[0].children: return tree.children[0].children else: return [tree.children[0]] return []
[docs] def get_last_terminal_child_transitions(tree): """ Gets the list of transitions belonging to the last terminal child node of the current tree Parameters ---------- tree Process tree Returns --------- transitions_list List of transitions belonging to the first terminal child node """ if tree.children: if tree.children[-1].operator: return get_last_terminal_child_transitions(tree.children[-1]) else: if tree.children[-1].children: return tree.children[-1].children else: return [tree.children[-1]] return []
[docs] def check_loop_to_first_operator(tree): """ Checks if loop to first operator Parameters ------------ tree Process tree Returns ------------ boolean Check if no loop to the first operator """ if tree.operator == Operator.LOOP: return True if tree.children: if tree.children[0].operator == Operator.LOOP: return True else: return check_loop_to_first_operator(tree.children[0]) return tree.operator == Operator.LOOP
[docs] def check_loop_to_last_operator(tree): """ Checks if loop to last operator Parameters ------------- tree Process tree Returns ------------- boolean Check if no loop to the last operator """ if tree.operator == Operator.LOOP: return True if tree.children: if tree.children[-1].operator == Operator.LOOP: return True else: return check_loop_to_last_operator(tree.children[-1]) return tree.operator == Operator.LOOP
[docs] def check_initial_loop(tree): """ Check if the tree, on-the-left, starts with a loop Parameters ---------- tree Process tree Returns ---------- boolean True if it starts with an initial loop """ if tree.children: if tree.children[0].operator: if tree.children[0].operator == Operator.LOOP: return True else: return check_terminal_loop(tree.children[0]) return False
[docs] def check_terminal_loop(tree): """ Check if the tree, on-the-right, ends with a loop Parameters ---------- tree Process tree Returns ----------- boolean True if it ends with a terminal loop """ if tree.children: if tree.children[-1].operator: if tree.children[-1].operator == Operator.LOOP: return True else: return check_terminal_loop(tree.children[-1]) return False
[docs] def check_tau_mandatory_at_initial_marking(tree): """ When a conversion to a Petri net is operated, check if is mandatory to add a hidden transition at initial marking Parameters ---------- tree Process tree Returns ---------- boolean Boolean that is true if it is mandatory to add a hidden transition connecting the initial marking to the rest of the process """ condition1 = check_initial_loop(tree) terminal_transitions = get_first_terminal_child_transitions(tree) condition2 = len(terminal_transitions) > 1 condition3 = check_loop_to_first_operator(tree) condition4 = tree.operator == Operator.XOR or tree.operator == Operator.PARALLEL return condition1 or condition2 or condition3 or condition4
[docs] def check_tau_mandatory_at_final_marking(tree): """ When a conversion to a Petri net is operated, check if is mandatory to add a hidden transition at final marking Returns ---------- boolean Boolean that is true if it is mandatory to add a hidden transition connecting the rest of the process to the final marking """ condition1 = check_terminal_loop(tree) terminal_transitions = get_last_terminal_child_transitions(tree) condition2 = len(terminal_transitions) > 1 condition3 = check_loop_to_last_operator(tree) condition4 = tree.operator == Operator.XOR or tree.operator == Operator.PARALLEL return condition1 or condition2 or condition3 or condition4
[docs] def recursively_add_tree(parent_tree, tree, net, initial_entity_subtree, final_entity_subtree, counts, rec_depth, force_add_skip=False): """ Recursively add the subtrees to the Petri net Parameters ----------- parent_tree Parent tree tree Current subtree net Petri net initial_entity_subtree Initial entity (place/transition) that should be attached from the subtree final_entity_subtree Final entity (place/transition) that should be attached from the subtree counts Counts object (keeps the number of places, transitions and hidden transitions) rec_depth Recursion depth of the current iteration force_add_skip Boolean value that tells if the addition of a skip is mandatory Returns ---------- net Updated Petri net counts Updated counts object (keeps the number of places, transitions and hidden transitions) final_place Last place added in this recursion """ if type(initial_entity_subtree) is PetriNet.Transition: initial_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(initial_place) add_arc_from_to(initial_entity_subtree, initial_place, net) else: initial_place = initial_entity_subtree if final_entity_subtree is not None and type(final_entity_subtree) is PetriNet.Place: final_place = final_entity_subtree else: final_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(final_place) if final_entity_subtree is not None and type(final_entity_subtree) is PetriNet.Transition: add_arc_from_to(final_place, final_entity_subtree, net) tree_childs = [child for child in tree.children] if force_add_skip: invisible = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="skip") add_arc_from_to(initial_place, invisible, net) add_arc_from_to(invisible, final_place, net) if tree.operator is None: trans = tree if trans.label is None: petri_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="skip") else: petri_trans = get_transition(counts, trans.label) net.transitions.add(petri_trans) add_arc_from_to(initial_place, petri_trans, net) add_arc_from_to(petri_trans, final_place, net) if tree.operator == Operator.XOR: for subtree in tree_childs: net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, subtree, net, initial_place, final_place, counts, rec_depth + 1) elif tree.operator == Operator.OR: new_initial_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauSplit") net.transitions.add(new_initial_trans) add_arc_from_to(initial_place, new_initial_trans, net) new_final_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauJoin") net.transitions.add(new_final_trans) add_arc_from_to(new_final_trans, final_place, net) terminal_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(terminal_place) add_arc_from_to(terminal_place, new_final_trans, net) first_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(first_place) add_arc_from_to(new_initial_trans, first_place, net) for subtree in tree_childs: subtree_init_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(subtree_init_place) add_arc_from_to(new_initial_trans, subtree_init_place, net) subtree_start_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(subtree_start_place) subtree_end_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(subtree_end_place) trans_start = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="inclusiveStart") trans_later = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="inclusiveLater") trans_skip = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="inclusiveSkip") net.transitions.add(trans_start) net.transitions.add(trans_later) net.transitions.add(trans_skip) add_arc_from_to(first_place, trans_start, net) add_arc_from_to(subtree_init_place, trans_start, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_start, subtree_start_place, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_start, terminal_place, net) add_arc_from_to(terminal_place, trans_later, net) add_arc_from_to(subtree_init_place, trans_later, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_later, subtree_start_place, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_later, terminal_place, net) add_arc_from_to(terminal_place, trans_skip, net) add_arc_from_to(subtree_init_place, trans_skip, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_skip, terminal_place, net) add_arc_from_to(trans_skip, subtree_end_place, net) add_arc_from_to(subtree_end_place, new_final_trans, net) net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, subtree, net, subtree_start_place, subtree_end_place, counts, rec_depth + 1) elif tree.operator == Operator.PARALLEL: new_initial_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauSplit") net.transitions.add(new_initial_trans) add_arc_from_to(initial_place, new_initial_trans, net) new_final_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauJoin") net.transitions.add(new_final_trans) add_arc_from_to(new_final_trans, final_place, net) for subtree in tree_childs: net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, subtree, net, new_initial_trans, new_final_trans, counts, rec_depth + 1) elif tree.operator == Operator.INTERLEAVING: new_initial_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauSplit") net.transitions.add(new_initial_trans) add_arc_from_to(initial_place, new_initial_trans, net) new_final_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tauJoin") net.transitions.add(new_final_trans) add_arc_from_to(new_final_trans, final_place, net) control_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(control_place) add_arc_from_to(new_initial_trans, control_place, net) add_arc_from_to(control_place, new_final_trans, net) for subtree in tree_childs: placeI = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(placeI) iTrans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="iTrans") net.transitions.add(iTrans) placeF = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(placeF) fTrans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="fTrans") net.transitions.add(fTrans) add_arc_from_to(new_initial_trans, placeI, net) add_arc_from_to(placeI, iTrans, net) add_arc_from_to(fTrans, placeF, net) add_arc_from_to(placeF, new_final_trans, net) add_arc_from_to(control_place, iTrans, net) add_arc_from_to(fTrans, control_place, net) net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, subtree, net, iTrans, fTrans, counts, rec_depth + 1) elif tree.operator == Operator.SEQUENCE: intermediate_place = initial_place for i in range(len(tree_childs)): final_connection_place = None if i == len(tree_childs) - 1: final_connection_place = final_place net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, tree_childs[i], net, intermediate_place, final_connection_place, counts, rec_depth + 1) elif tree.operator == Operator.LOOP: # if not parent_tree.operator == Operator.SEQUENCE: new_initial_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(new_initial_place) init_loop_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="init_loop") net.transitions.add(init_loop_trans) add_arc_from_to(initial_place, init_loop_trans, net) add_arc_from_to(init_loop_trans, new_initial_place, net) initial_place = new_initial_place loop_trans = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="loop") net.transitions.add(loop_trans) if len(tree_childs) == 1: net, counts, intermediate_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, tree_childs[0], net, initial_place, final_place, counts, rec_depth + 1) add_arc_from_to(final_place, loop_trans, net) add_arc_from_to(loop_trans, initial_place, net) else: net, counts, int1 = recursively_add_tree(tree, tree_childs[0], net, initial_place, None, counts, rec_depth + 1) int2 = None for i in range(1, len(tree_childs)): net, counts, int2 = recursively_add_tree(tree, tree_childs[i], net, int1, int2, counts, rec_depth + 1) net, counts, int3 = recursively_add_tree(tree, ProcessTree(), net, int1, final_place, counts, rec_depth + 1) looping_place = int2 add_arc_from_to(looping_place, loop_trans, net) add_arc_from_to(loop_trans, initial_place, net) return net, counts, final_place
[docs] def apply(tree, parameters=None): """ Apply from Process Tree to Petri net Parameters ----------- tree Process tree parameters Parameters of the algorithm Returns ----------- net Petri net initial_marking Initial marking final_marking Final marking """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} del parameters counts = Counts() net = PetriNet('imdf_net_' + str(time.time())) initial_marking = Marking() final_marking = Marking() source = get_new_place(counts) = "source" sink = get_new_place(counts) = "sink" net.places.add(source) net.places.add(sink) initial_marking[source] = 1 final_marking[sink] = 1 initial_mandatory = check_tau_mandatory_at_initial_marking(tree) final_mandatory = check_tau_mandatory_at_final_marking(tree) if initial_mandatory: initial_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(initial_place) tau_initial = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tau") net.transitions.add(tau_initial) add_arc_from_to(source, tau_initial, net) add_arc_from_to(tau_initial, initial_place, net) else: initial_place = source if final_mandatory: final_place = get_new_place(counts) net.places.add(final_place) tau_final = get_new_hidden_trans(counts, type_trans="tau") net.transitions.add(tau_final) add_arc_from_to(final_place, tau_final, net) add_arc_from_to(tau_final, sink, net) else: final_place = sink net, counts, last_added_place = recursively_add_tree(tree, tree, net, initial_place, final_place, counts, 0) reduction.apply_simple_reduction(net) places = list(net.places) for place in places: if len(place.out_arcs) == 0 and not place in final_marking: remove_place(net, place) if len(place.in_arcs) == 0 and not place in initial_marking: remove_place(net, place) return net, initial_marking, final_marking