Source code for

    PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see this software project's root or
visit <>.

from typing import Tuple, Dict, Optional

from pm4py.objects.bpmn.obj import BPMN
from pm4py.objects.log.obj import EventLog
from pm4py.objects.ocel.obj import OCEL
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.obj import PetriNet, Marking
from pm4py.objects.process_tree.obj import ProcessTree
from pm4py.util import constants

import os

from pandas import DataFrame
from typing import Union

INDEX_COLUMN = "@@index"

__doc__ = """
The `` module contains all functionality related to reading files and objects from disk.

[docs] def read_xes( file_path: str, variant: Optional[str] = None, return_legacy_log_object: bool = constants.DEFAULT_READ_XES_LEGACY_OBJECT, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING, **kwargs ) -> Union[DataFrame, EventLog]: """ Reads an event log stored in XES format (see `xes-standard <>`_). Returns a table (`pandas.DataFrame`) view of the event log or an `EventLog` object. :param file_path: Path to the event log (`.xes` file) on disk. :param variant: Variant of the importer to use. Options include: - "iterparse" – traditional XML parser, - "line_by_line" – text-based line-by-line importer, - "chunk_regex" – chunk-of-bytes importer (default), - "iterparse20" – XES 2.0 importer, - "rustxes" – Rust-based importer. :param return_legacy_log_object: Boolean indicating whether to return a legacy `EventLog` object (default: `False`). :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :param **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to the importer. :rtype: `pandas.DataFrame` or `pm4py.objects.log.obj.EventLog` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py log = pm4py.read_xes("<path_to_xes_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") if variant is None: variant = constants.DEFAULT_XES_PARSER from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer as xes_importer v = xes_importer.Variants.CHUNK_REGEX if variant == "iterparse_20": v = xes_importer.Variants.ITERPARSE_20 elif variant == "iterparse": v = xes_importer.Variants.ITERPARSE elif variant == "lxml": v = xes_importer.Variants.ITERPARSE elif variant == "iterparse_mem_compressed": v = xes_importer.Variants.ITERPARSE_MEM_COMPRESSED elif variant == "line_by_line": v = xes_importer.Variants.LINE_BY_LINE elif variant == "chunk_regex": v = xes_importer.Variants.CHUNK_REGEX elif variant == "rustxes": v = xes_importer.Variants.RUSTXES from copy import copy parameters = copy(kwargs) parameters["encoding"] = encoding parameters["return_legacy_log_object"] = return_legacy_log_object log = xes_importer.apply(file_path, variant=v, parameters=parameters) if type(log) is EventLog and not return_legacy_log_object: from pm4py.objects.conversion.log import converter as log_converter log = log_converter.apply(log, variant=log_converter.Variants.TO_DATA_FRAME) return log
[docs] def read_pnml( file_path: str, auto_guess_final_marking: bool = False, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]: """ Reads a Petri net object from a `.pnml` file. The returned Petri net object is a tuple containing: 1. PetriNet object (`PetriNet`) 2. Initial Marking (`Marking`) 3. Final Marking (`Marking`) :param file_path: Path to the Petri net model (`.pnml` file) on disk. :param auto_guess_final_marking: Boolean indicating whether to automatically guess the final marking (default: `False`). :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `Tuple[PetriNet, Marking, Marking]` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pn = pm4py.read_pnml("<path_to_pnml_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.petri_net.importer import importer as pnml_importer net, im, fm = pnml_importer.apply( file_path, parameters={ "auto_guess_final_marking": auto_guess_final_marking, "encoding": encoding } ) return net, im, fm
[docs] def read_ptml(file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> ProcessTree: """ Reads a process tree object from a `.ptml` file. :param file_path: Path to the process tree file on disk. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `ProcessTree` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py process_tree = pm4py.read_ptml("<path_to_ptml_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.process_tree.importer import importer as tree_importer tree = tree_importer.apply(file_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding}) return tree
[docs] def read_dfg( file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str], int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int]]: """ Reads a Directly-Follows Graph (DFG) from a `.dfg` file. The returned DFG object is a tuple containing: 1. DFG (`Dict[Tuple[str, str], int]`): Maps pairs of activities to their occurrence count. For example, `DFG[('a', 'b')] = k` indicates that activity `'a'` is directly followed by activity `'b'` a total of `k` times in the log. 2. Start Activity Dictionary (`Dict[str, int]`): Maps activities to the number of traces they start. For example, `S['a'] = k` implies that activity `'a'` starts `k` traces in the event log. 3. End Activity Dictionary (`Dict[str, int]`): Maps activities to the number of traces they end. For example, `E['z'] = k` implies that activity `'z'` ends `k` traces in the event log. :param file_path: Path to the DFG model file on disk. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str], int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int]]` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py dfg = pm4py.read_dfg("<path_to_dfg_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.dfg.importer import importer as dfg_importer dfg, start_activities, end_activities = dfg_importer.apply( file_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding} ) return dfg, start_activities, end_activities
[docs] def read_bpmn(file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> BPMN: """ Reads a BPMN model from a `.bpmn` file. :param file_path: Path to the BPMN model file on disk. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `BPMN` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py bpmn = pm4py.read_bpmn('<path_to_bpmn_file>') """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.bpmn.importer import importer as bpmn_importer bpmn_graph = bpmn_importer.apply(file_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding}) return bpmn_graph
[docs] def read_ocel( file_path: str, objects_path: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an object-centric event log from a file (see: Returns an `OCEL` object. :param file_path: Path to the object-centric event log file. :param objects_path: [Optional] Path to the objects dataframe file. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel("<path_to_ocel_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") if file_path.lower().endswith("csv"): return read_ocel_csv(file_path, objects_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): return read_ocel_json(file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): return read_ocel_xml(file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith(".sqlite"): return read_ocel_sqlite(file_path, encoding=encoding) raise Exception("Unsupported file format")
[docs] def read_ocel_csv( file_path: str, objects_path: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an object-centric event log from a CSV file (see: Returns an `OCEL` object. :param file_path: Path to the object-centric event log file (`.csv`). :param objects_path: [Optional] Path to the objects dataframe file. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel_csv("<path_to_ocel_file.csv>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.csv import importer as csv_importer return csv_importer.apply( file_path, objects_path=objects_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel_json(file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> OCEL: """ Reads an object-centric event log from a JSON-OCEL file (see: Returns an `OCEL` object. :param file_path: Path to the object-centric event log file (`.jsonocel`). :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel_json("<path_to_ocel_file.jsonocel>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.jsonocel import importer as jsonocel_importer return jsonocel_importer.apply( file_path, variant=jsonocel_importer.Variants.CLASSIC, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel_xml(file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> OCEL: """ Reads an object-centric event log from an XML-OCEL file (see: Returns an `OCEL` object. :param file_path: Path to the object-centric event log file (`.xmlocel`). :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel_xml("<path_to_ocel_file.xmlocel>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.xmlocel import importer as xmlocel_importer return xmlocel_importer.apply( file_path, variant=xmlocel_importer.Variants.CLASSIC, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel_sqlite(file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> OCEL: """ Reads an object-centric event log from a SQLite database (see: Returns an `OCEL` object. :param file_path: Path to the SQLite database file (`.sqlite`). :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel_sqlite("<path_to_ocel_file.sqlite>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.sqlite import importer as sqlite_importer return sqlite_importer.apply( file_path, variant=sqlite_importer.Variants.PANDAS_IMPORTER, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel2( file_path: str, variant_str: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an OCEL 2.0 event log. :param file_path: Path to the OCEL 2.0 event log file. :param variant_str: [Optional] Specification of the importer variant to be used. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` Supported file formats based on extension: - `.sqlite` – SQLite database, - `.xml` or `.xmlocel` – XML file, - `.json` or `.jsonocel` – JSON file. .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel2("<path_to_ocel_file>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") if file_path.lower().endswith("sqlite"): return read_ocel2_sqlite(file_path, variant_str=variant_str, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("xml") or file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): return read_ocel2_xml(file_path, variant_str=variant_str, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("json") or file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): return read_ocel2_json(file_path, variant_str=variant_str, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def read_ocel2_json( file_path: str, variant_str: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an OCEL 2.0 event log from a JSON-OCEL2 file. :param file_path: Path to the JSON file (`.jsonocel`). :param variant_str: [Optional] Specification of the importer variant to be used. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel2_json("<path_to_ocel_file.jsonocel>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.jsonocel import importer as jsonocel_importer variant = jsonocel_importer.Variants.OCEL20_STANDARD if variant_str == "ocel20_rustxes": variant = jsonocel_importer.Variants.OCEL20_RUSTXES return jsonocel_importer.apply( file_path, variant=variant, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel2_sqlite( file_path: str, variant_str: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an OCEL 2.0 event log from a SQLite database. :param file_path: Path to the OCEL 2.0 SQLite database file (`.sqlite`). :param variant_str: [Optional] Specification of the importer variant to be used. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel2_sqlite("<path_to_ocel_file.sqlite>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.sqlite import importer as sqlite_importer return sqlite_importer.apply( file_path, variant=sqlite_importer.Variants.OCEL20, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )
[docs] def read_ocel2_xml( file_path: str, variant_str: Optional[str] = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) -> OCEL: """ Reads an OCEL 2.0 event log from an XML file. :param file_path: Path to the OCEL 2.0 XML file (`.xmlocel`). :param variant_str: [Optional] Specification of the importer variant to be used. :param encoding: Encoding to be used (default: `utf-8`). :rtype: `OCEL` .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py ocel = pm4py.read_ocel2_xml("<path_to_ocel_file.xmlocel>") """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File does not exist") from pm4py.objects.ocel.importer.xmlocel import importer as xml_importer variant = xml_importer.Variants.OCEL20 if variant_str == "ocel20_rustxes": variant = xml_importer.Variants.OCEL20_RUSTXES return xml_importer.apply( file_path, variant=variant, parameters={"encoding": encoding} )