Source code for pm4py.write

    PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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__doc__ = """
The ``pm4py.write`` module contains all functionality related to writing files/objects to disk.

from pm4py.objects.bpmn.obj import BPMN
from pm4py.objects.log.obj import EventLog
from pm4py.objects.ocel.obj import OCEL
from pm4py.objects.petri_net.obj import PetriNet, Marking
from pm4py.objects.process_tree.obj import ProcessTree
from pm4py.utils import __event_log_deprecation_warning
import pandas as pd
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict
from pm4py.util import constants
from pm4py.util.pandas_utils import check_is_pandas_dataframe, check_pandas_dataframe_columns

[docs] def write_xes(log: Union[EventLog, pd.DataFrame], file_path: str, case_id_key: str = "case:concept:name", extensions=None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING, **kwargs) -> None: """ Writes an event log to disk in the XES format (see `xes-standard <>`_). :param log: Log object (``EventLog`` or ``pandas.DataFrame``) that needs to be written to disk. :param file_path: Target file path of the event log (``.xes`` file) on disk. :param case_id_key: Column key that identifies the case identifier. :param extensions: Extensions defined for the event log. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_xes(log, '<path_to_export_to>', case_id_key='case:concept:name') """ __event_log_deprecation_warning(log) if check_is_pandas_dataframe(log): check_pandas_dataframe_columns(log, case_id_key=case_id_key) file_path = str(file_path) if not (file_path.lower().endswith("xes") or file_path.lower().endswith("xes.gz")): file_path = file_path + ".xes" parameters = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): parameters[k] = v parameters[constants.PARAMETER_CONSTANT_CASEID_KEY] = case_id_key parameters["extensions"] = extensions parameters["encoding"] = encoding from pm4py.objects.log.exporter.xes import exporter as xes_exporter xes_exporter.apply(log, file_path, parameters=parameters)
[docs] def write_pnml(petri_net: PetriNet, initial_marking: Marking, final_marking: Marking, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes a Petri net object to disk in the ``.pnml`` format (see `pnml-standard <>`_). :param petri_net: Petri net object that needs to be written to disk. :param initial_marking: Initial marking of the Petri net. :param final_marking: Final marking of the Petri net. :param file_path: Target file path on disk of the ``.pnml`` file. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_pnml(petri_net, initial_marking, final_marking, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("pnml"): file_path = file_path + ".pnml" from pm4py.objects.petri_net.exporter import exporter as petri_exporter petri_exporter.apply(petri_net, initial_marking, file_path, final_marking=final_marking, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ptml(tree: ProcessTree, file_path: str, auto_layout: bool = True, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes a process tree object to disk in the ``.ptml`` format. :param tree: ProcessTree object that needs to be written to disk. :param file_path: Target file path on disk of the ``.ptml`` file. :param auto_layout: Boolean indicating whether the model should get an auto layout (which is written to disk). :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ptml(tree, '<path_to_export_to>', auto_layout=True) """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("ptml"): file_path = file_path + ".ptml" from pm4py.objects.process_tree.exporter import exporter as tree_exporter tree_exporter.apply(tree, file_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_dfg(dfg: Dict[Tuple[str, str], int], start_activities: Dict[str, int], end_activities: Dict[str, int], file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes a directly follows graph (DFG) object to disk in the ``.dfg`` format. :param dfg: Directly follows relation (multiset of activity-activity pairs). :param start_activities: Multiset tracking the number of occurrences of start activities. :param end_activities: Multiset tracking the number of occurrences of end activities. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the DFG object to. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_dfg(dfg, start_activities, end_activities, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("dfg"): file_path = file_path + ".dfg" from pm4py.objects.dfg.exporter import exporter as dfg_exporter dfg_exporter.apply(dfg, file_path, parameters={dfg_exporter.Variants.CLASSIC.value.Parameters.START_ACTIVITIES: start_activities, dfg_exporter.Variants.CLASSIC.value.Parameters.END_ACTIVITIES: end_activities, "encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_bpmn(model: BPMN, file_path: str, auto_layout: bool = True, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes a BPMN model object to disk in the ``.bpmn`` format. :param model: BPMN model to export. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the BPMN object to. :param auto_layout: Boolean indicating whether the model should get an auto layout (which is written to disk). :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_bpmn(model, '<path_to_export_to>', auto_layout=True) """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("bpmn"): file_path = file_path + ".bpmn" if auto_layout: from pm4py.objects.bpmn.layout import layouter model = layouter.apply(model) from pm4py.objects.bpmn.exporter import exporter exporter.apply(model, file_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, objects_path: str = None, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL object to disk in various formats. Supported formats include CSV (flat table), JSON-OCEL, XML-OCEL, and SQLite (described on the site :param ocel: OCEL object to write to disk. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the OCEL object to. :param objects_path: Location of the objects table (only applicable in case of .csv exporting). :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if file_path.lower().endswith("csv"): write_ocel_csv(ocel, file_path, objects_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): write_ocel_json(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): write_ocel_xml(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("sqlite"): write_ocel_sqlite(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) else: raise Exception("Unsupported file format.")
[docs] def write_ocel_csv(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, objects_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL object to disk in the ``.csv`` file format. The OCEL object is exported into two separate files, i.e., one event table and one objects table. Both file paths should be specified. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the event table to. :param objects_path: Target file path on disk to write the objects table to. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel_csv(ocel, '<path_to_export_events_to>', '<path_to_export_objects_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("csv"): file_path = file_path + ".csv" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.csv import exporter as csv_exporter csv_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, objects_path=objects_path, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel_json(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL object to disk in the ``.jsonocel`` file format. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the OCEL object to. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel_json(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): file_path = file_path + ".jsonocel" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.jsonocel import exporter as jsonocel_exporter is_ocel20 = ocel.is_ocel20() variant = jsonocel_exporter.Variants.OCEL20 if is_ocel20 else jsonocel_exporter.Variants.CLASSIC jsonocel_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=variant, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel_xml(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL object to disk in the ``.xmlocel`` file format. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path on disk to write the OCEL object to. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel_xml(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): file_path = file_path + ".xmlocel" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.xmlocel import exporter as xmlocel_exporter xmlocel_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=xmlocel_exporter.Variants.CLASSIC, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel_sqlite(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL object to disk to a ``SQLite`` database (exported as ``.sqlite`` file). :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path to the SQLite database. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel_sqlite(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("sqlite"): file_path = file_path + ".sqlite" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.sqlite import exporter as sqlite_exporter sqlite_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=sqlite_exporter.Variants.PANDAS_EXPORTER, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel2(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk in various formats. Supported formats include JSON-OCEL, XML-OCEL, and SQLite. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path to write the OCEL2.0 object to. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel2(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if file_path.lower().endswith("sqlite"): write_ocel2_sqlite(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("xml") or file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): write_ocel2_xml(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) elif file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): write_ocel2_json(ocel, file_path, encoding=encoding) else: raise Exception("Unsupported file format for OCEL2.0 export.")
[docs] def write_ocel2_json(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk in the ``.jsonocel`` file format. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path to the JSON-OCEL file. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel2_json(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("jsonocel"): file_path = file_path + ".jsonocel" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.jsonocel import exporter as jsonocel_exporter jsonocel_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=jsonocel_exporter.Variants.OCEL20_STANDARD, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel2_sqlite(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk to a ``SQLite`` database (exported as ``.sqlite`` file). :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path to the SQLite database. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel2_sqlite(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("sqlite"): file_path = file_path + ".sqlite" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.sqlite import exporter as sqlite_exporter sqlite_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=sqlite_exporter.Variants.OCEL20, parameters={"encoding": encoding})
[docs] def write_ocel2_xml(ocel: OCEL, file_path: str, encoding: str = constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> None: """ Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk in the ``.xmlocel`` file format. :param ocel: OCEL object. :param file_path: Target file path to the XML-OCEL file. :param encoding: The encoding to be used (default: utf-8). .. code-block:: python3 import pm4py pm4py.write_ocel2_xml(ocel, '<path_to_export_to>') """ file_path = str(file_path) if not file_path.lower().endswith("xmlocel"): file_path = file_path + ".xmlocel" from pm4py.objects.ocel.exporter.xmlocel import exporter as xml_exporter xml_exporter.apply(ocel, file_path, variant=xml_exporter.Variants.OCEL20, parameters={"encoding": encoding})