
The pm4py.conformance module contains the conformance checking algorithms implemented in pm4py.


check_is_fitting(*args[, activity_key])

Check if a trace object fits a process model.

conformance_declare(log, declare_model[, ...])

Apply conformance checking against a DECLARE model.

conformance_diagnostics_alignments(log, *args)

Apply the alignments algorithm between a log and a process model.


Provide conformance checking diagnostics using footprints.


Apply token-based replay for conformance checking analysis.

conformance_log_skeleton(log, log_skeleton)

Perform conformance checking using the log skeleton.

conformance_temporal_profile(log, ...[, ...])

Perform conformance checking on the provided log using the provided temporal profile.

fitness_alignments(log, petri_net, ...[, ...])

Calculate the fitness using alignments.


Calculate fitness using footprints.

fitness_token_based_replay(log, petri_net, ...)

Calculate the fitness using token-based replay.

generalization_tbr(log, petri_net, ...[, ...])

Compute the generalization of the model against the event log.

precision_alignments(log, petri_net, ...[, ...])

Calculate the precision of the model with respect to the event log using alignments.


Calculate precision using footprints.

precision_token_based_replay(log, petri_net, ...)

Calculate precision using token-based replay.

replay_prefix_tbr(prefix, net, im, fm[, ...])

Replay a prefix (list of activities) on a given accepting Petri net using Token-Based Replay.