The module contains the machine learning features offered in pm4py.


extract_features_dataframe(log[, ...])

Extracts a dataframe containing features for each case in the provided log object.

extract_ocel_features(ocel, obj_type[, ...])

Extracts a set of features from an object-centric event log (OCEL) for objects of a specified type.

extract_outcome_enriched_dataframe(log[, ...])

Enriches a dataframe with additional outcome-related columns computed from the entire case.

extract_target_vector(log, variant[, ...])

Extracts the target vector from a log object for a specific machine learning use case.

extract_temporal_features_dataframe(log[, ...])

Extracts temporal features from a log object and returns them as a dataframe.

get_prefixes_from_log(log, length[, case_id_key])

Retrieves prefixes of traces in a log up to a specified length.

split_train_test(log[, train_percentage, ...])

Splits an event log into a training log and a test log for machine learning purposes.