str, variant: str | None = None, return_legacy_log_object: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs) DataFrame | EventLog[source]#

Reads an event log stored in XES format (see xes-standard). Returns a table (pandas.DataFrame) view of the event log or an EventLog object.

  • file_path (str) – Path to the event log (.xes file) on disk.

  • variant – Variant of the importer to use. Options include: - “iterparse” – traditional XML parser, - “line_by_line” – text-based line-by-line importer, - “chunk_regex” – chunk-of-bytes importer (default), - “iterparse20” – XES 2.0 importer, - “rustxes” – Rust-based importer.

  • return_legacy_log_object (bool) – Boolean indicating whether to return a legacy EventLog object (default: False).

  • encoding (str) – Encoding to be used (default: utf-8).

  • **kwargs

    Additional parameters to pass to the importer.

Return type:

pandas.DataFrame or pm4py.objects.log.obj.EventLog

import pm4py

log = pm4py.read_xes("<path_to_xes_file>")