
pm4py.vis.view_ocpn(ocpn: Dict[str, Any], format: str = 'png', bgcolor: str = 'white', rankdir: str = 'LR')[source]#

Visualizes on the screen the object-centric Petri net

  • ocpn – Object-centric Petri net

  • format (str) – Format of the visualization (if html is provided, GraphvizJS is used to render the visualization in an HTML page)

  • bgcolor (str) – Background color of the visualization (default: white)

  • rankdir (str) – sets the direction of the graph (“LR” for left-to-right; “TB” for top-to-bottom)

import pm4py

ocpn = pm4py.discover_oc_petri_net(ocel)
pm4py.view_ocpn(ocpn, format='svg')