write_bpmn (model, file_path[, auto_layout, ...])
Writes a BPMN model object to disk in the .bpmn format. |
write_dfg (dfg, start_activities, ...[, encoding])
Writes a directly follows graph (DFG) object to disk in the .dfg format. |
write_ocel (ocel, file_path[, objects_path, ...])
Writes an OCEL object to disk in the .bpmn format. |
write_ocel2 (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk |
write_ocel2_json (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk to an JSON file (exported as .jsonocel file). |
write_ocel2_sqlite (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk to a SQLite database (exported as .sqlite file). |
write_ocel2_xml (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL2.0 object to disk to an XML file (exported as .xmlocel file). |
write_ocel_csv (ocel, file_path, objects_path)
Writes an OCEL object to disk in the .csv file format. |
write_ocel_json (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL object to disk in the .json file format (exported as .oceljson file). |
write_ocel_sqlite (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL object to disk to a SQLite database (exported as .sqlite file). |
write_ocel_xml (ocel, file_path[, encoding])
Writes an OCEL object to disk in the .xml file format (exported as .ocelxml file). |
write_pnml (petri_net, initial_marking, ...)
Writes a Petri net object to disk in the .pnml format (see pnml-standard) |
write_ptml (tree, file_path[, encoding])
Writes a process tree object to disk in the .ptml format. |
write_xes (log, file_path[, case_id_key, ...])
Writes an event log to disk in the XES format (see xes-standard) |