pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants package#
PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see this software project’s root or visit <>.
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pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards module#
PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see this software project’s root or visit <>.
Website: Contact:
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.Parameters(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- CASE_ID_KEY = 'pm4py:param:case_id_key'#
- ACTIVITY_KEY = 'pm4py:param:activity_key'#
- PARAMETER_VARIANT_DELIMITER = 'variant_delimiter'#
- VARIANTS = 'variants'#
- PLACES_SHORTEST_PATH_BY_HIDDEN = 'places_shortest_path_by_hidden'#
- THREAD_MAX_EX_TIME = 'thread_maximum_ex_time'#
- DISABLE_VARIANTS = 'disable_variants'#
- CLEANING_TOKEN_FLOOD = 'cleaning_token_flood'#
- IS_REDUCTION = 'is_reduction'#
- WALK_THROUGH_HIDDEN_TRANS = 'walk_through_hidden_trans'#
- RETURN_NAMES = 'return_names'#
- STOP_IMMEDIATELY_UNFIT = 'stop_immediately_unfit'#
- TRY_TO_REACH_FINAL_MARKING_THROUGH_HIDDEN = 'try_to_reach_final_marking_through_hidden'#
- CONSIDER_REMAINING_IN_FITNESS = 'consider_remaining_in_fitness'#
- ENABLE_PLTR_FITNESS = 'enable_pltr_fitness'#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.get_bmap(net, m, bmap)[source]#
Updates the B-map with the invisibles enabling marking m
- net
Petri net
- m
- bmap
- trans_list
List of invisibles that enable m
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.diff_mark(m, t)[source]#
Subtract from a marking the postset of t and adds the preset
- m
- t
- diff_mark
Difference marking
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.explore_backwards(re_list, all_vis, net, m, bmap)[source]#
Do the backwards state space exploration
- re_list
List of remaining markings to visit using the backwards approach
- all_vis
Set of visited transitions
- net
Petri net
- m
- bmap
B-map of the net
- list_tr
List of transitions to enable in order to enable a marking (otherwise None)
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.tr_vlist(vlist, net, im, fm, tmap, bmap, parameters=None)[source]#
Visit a variant using the backwards token basedr eplay
- vlist
Variants list
- net
Petri net
- im
Initial marking
- tmap
Transition map (labels to list of transitions)
- bmap
- parameters
Possible parameters of the execution
- visited_transitions
List of visited transitions during the replay
- is_fit
Indicates if the replay was successful or not
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.apply(log: EventLog, net: PetriNet, initial_marking: Marking, final_marking: Marking, parameters: Dict[str | Parameters, Any] | None = None) List[Dict[str, Any]] [source]#
Method to apply token-based replay
- log
- net
Petri net
- initial_marking
Initial marking
- final_marking
Final marking
- parameters
Parameters of the algorithm
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.backwards.get_diagnostics_dataframe(log: EventLog, tbr_output: List[Dict[str, Any]], parameters: Dict[str | Parameters, Any] | None = None) DataFrame [source]#
Gets the results of token-based replay in a dataframe
- log
Event log
- tbr_output
Output of the token-based replay technique
- dataframe
Diagnostics dataframe
pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay module#
PM4Py – A Process Mining Library for Python
Copyright (C) 2024 Process Intelligence Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see this software project’s root or visit <>.
Website: Contact:
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.Parameters(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- CASE_ID_KEY = 'pm4py:param:case_id_key'#
- ACTIVITY_KEY = 'pm4py:param:activity_key'#
- PARAMETER_VARIANT_DELIMITER = 'variant_delimiter'#
- VARIANTS = 'variants'#
- PLACES_SHORTEST_PATH_BY_HIDDEN = 'places_shortest_path_by_hidden'#
- THREAD_MAX_EX_TIME = 'thread_maximum_ex_time'#
- DISABLE_VARIANTS = 'disable_variants'#
- CLEANING_TOKEN_FLOOD = 'cleaning_token_flood'#
- IS_REDUCTION = 'is_reduction'#
- WALK_THROUGH_HIDDEN_TRANS = 'walk_through_hidden_trans'#
- RETURN_NAMES = 'return_names'#
- STOP_IMMEDIATELY_UNFIT = 'stop_immediately_unfit'#
- TRY_TO_REACH_FINAL_MARKING_THROUGH_HIDDEN = 'try_to_reach_final_marking_through_hidden'#
- CONSIDER_REMAINING_IN_FITNESS = 'consider_remaining_in_fitness'#
- CONSIDER_ACTIVITIES_NOT_IN_MODEL_IN_FITNESS = 'consider_activities_not_in_model_in_fitness'#
- ENABLE_PLTR_FITNESS = 'enable_pltr_fitness'#
- SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR = 'show_progress_bar'#
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.TechnicalParameters(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- MAX_IT_FINAL1 = 5#
- MAX_IT_FINAL2 = 5#
- MAX_NO_THREADS = 1024#
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.DebugConst[source]#
- REACH_MRH = -1#
- REACH_ITF1 = -1#
- REACH_ITF2 = -1#
- exception pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.NoConceptNameException(message)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.add_missing_tokens(t, marking)[source]#
Adds missing tokens needed to activate a transition
- t
Transition that should be enabled
- marking
Current marking
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_consumed_tokens(t)[source]#
Get tokens consumed firing a transition
- t
Transition that should be enabled
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_produced_tokens(t)[source]#
Get tokens produced firing a transition
- t
Transition that should be enabled
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.merge_dicts(x, y)[source]#
Merge two dictionaries keeping the least value
- x
First map (string, integer)
- y
Second map (string, integer)
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_places_with_missing_tokens(t, marking)[source]#
Get places with missing tokens
- t
Transition to enable
- marking
Current marking
Calculate an ordered list of transitions to visit in order to enable a given transition
- marking
Current marking
- places_with_missing
List of places with missing tokens
- places_shortest_path_by_hidden
Minimal connection between places by hidden transitions
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_req_transitions_for_final_marking(marking, final_marking, places_shortest_path_by_hidden)[source]#
Gets required transitions for final marking
- marking
Current marking
- final_marking
Final marking assigned to the Petri net
- places_shortest_path_by_hidden
Minimal connection between places by hidden transitions
Actually enable hidden transitions on the Petri net
- net
Petri net
- marking
Current marking
- activated_transitions
All activated transitions during the replay
- visited_transitions
All visited transitions by the recursion
- all_visited_markings
All visited markings
- hidden_transitions_to_enable
List of hidden transition to enable
- t
Transition against we should check if they are enabled
Apply hidden transitions in order to enable a given transition
- t
Transition to eventually enable
- net
Petri net
- marking
- places_shortest_paths_by_hidden
Shortest paths between places connected by hidden transitions
- act_tr
All activated transitions
- rec_depth
Current recursion depth
- visit_trans
All visited transitions by hiddenTrans method
- vis_mark
All visited markings
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.break_condition_final_marking(marking, final_marking)[source]#
Verify break condition for final marking
- marking
Current marking
- final_marking
Target final marking
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_trace(trace, net, initial_marking, final_marking, trans_map, enable_pltr_fitness, place_fitness, transition_fitness, notexisting_activities_in_model, places_shortest_path_by_hidden, consider_remaining_in_fitness, activity_key='concept:name', try_to_reach_final_marking_through_hidden=True, stop_immediately_unfit=False, walk_through_hidden_trans=True, post_fix_caching=None, marking_to_activity_caching=None, is_reduction=False, thread_maximum_ex_time=10, enable_postfix_cache=False, enable_marktoact_cache=False, cleaning_token_flood=False, s_components=None, trace_occurrences=1, consider_activities_not_in_model_in_fitness=False)[source]#
Apply the token replaying algorithm to a trace
- trace
Trace in the event log
- net
Petri net
- initial_marking
Initial marking
- final_marking
Final marking
- trans_map
Map between transitions labels and transitions
- enable_pltr_fitness
Enable fitness retrieval at place/transition level
- place_fitness
Current dictionary of places associated with unfit traces
- transition_fitness
Current dictionary of transitions associated with unfit traces
- notexisting_activities_in_model
Map that stores the notexisting activities in the model
- places_shortest_path_by_hidden
Shortest paths between places by hidden transitions
- consider_remaining_in_fitness
Boolean value telling if the remaining tokens should be considered in fitness evaluation
- activity_key
Name of the attribute that contains the activity
- try_to_reach_final_marking_through_hidden
Boolean value that decides if we shall try to reach the final marking through hidden transitions
- stop_immediately_unfit
Boolean value that decides if we shall stop immediately when a non-conformance is detected
- walk_through_hidden_trans
Boolean value that decides if we shall walk through hidden transitions in order to enable visible transitions
- post_fix_caching
Stores the post fix caching object
- marking_to_activity_caching
Stores the marking-to-activity cache
- is_reduction
Expresses if the token-based replay is called in a reduction attempt
- thread_maximum_ex_time
Alignment threads maximum allowed execution time
- enable_postfix_cache
Enables postfix cache
- enable_marktoact_cache
Enables marking to activity cache
- cleaning_token_flood
Decides if a cleaning of the token flood shall be operated
- s_components
S-components of the Petri net (if workflow net)
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.ApplyTraceTokenReplay(trace, net, initial_marking, final_marking, trans_map, enable_pltr_fitness, place_fitness, transition_fitness, notexisting_activities_in_model, places_shortest_path_by_hidden, consider_remaining_in_fitness, activity_key='concept:name', reach_mark_through_hidden=True, stop_immediately_when_unfit=False, walk_through_hidden_trans=True, post_fix_caching=None, marking_to_activity_caching=None, is_reduction=False, thread_maximum_ex_time=10, cleaning_token_flood=False, s_components=None, trace_occurrences=1, consider_activities_not_in_model_in_fitness=False)[source]#
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.PostFixCaching[source]#
Post fix caching object
- class pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.MarkingToActivityCaching[source]#
Marking to activity caching
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_variant_from_trace(trace, activity_key, disable_variants=False)[source]#
Gets the variant from the trace (allow disabling)
- trace
- activity_key
Attribute that is the activity
- disable_variants
Boolean value that disable variants
- variant
Variant describing the trace
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.transcribe_result(t, return_object_names=True)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_log(log, net, initial_marking, final_marking, enable_pltr_fitness=False, consider_remaining_in_fitness=False, activity_key='concept:name', reach_mark_through_hidden=True, stop_immediately_unfit=False, walk_through_hidden_trans=True, places_shortest_path_by_hidden=None, is_reduction=False, thread_maximum_ex_time=10, cleaning_token_flood=False, disable_variants=False, return_object_names=False, show_progress_bar=True, consider_activities_not_in_model_in_fitness=False, case_id_key='case:concept:name')[source]#
Apply token-based replay to a log
- log
Trace log
- net
Petri net
- initial_marking
Initial marking
- final_marking
Final marking
- enable_pltr_fitness
Enable fitness retrieval at place level
- consider_remaining_in_fitness
Boolean value telling if the remaining tokens should be considered in fitness evaluation
- activity_key
Name of the attribute that contains the activity
- reach_mark_through_hidden
Boolean value that decides if we shall try to reach the final marking through hidden transitions
- stop_immediately_unfit
Boolean value that decides if we shall stop immediately when a non-conformance is detected
- walk_through_hidden_trans
Boolean value that decides if we shall walk through hidden transitions in order to enable visible transitions
- places_shortest_path_by_hidden
Shortest paths between places by hidden transitions
- is_reduction
Expresses if the token-based replay is called in a reduction attempt
- thread_maximum_ex_time
Alignment threads maximum allowed execution time
- cleaning_token_flood
Decides if a cleaning of the token flood shall be operated
- disable_variants
Disable variants grouping
- return_object_names
Decides whether names instead of object pointers shall be returned
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply(log: EventLog, net: PetriNet, initial_marking: Marking, final_marking: Marking, parameters: Dict[str | Parameters, Any] | None = None) List[Dict[str, Any]] [source]#
Method to apply token-based replay
- log
- net
Petri net
- initial_marking
Initial marking
- final_marking
Final marking
- parameters
Parameters of the algorithm
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_variants_list(variants_list, net, initial_marking, final_marking, parameters=None)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_variants_dictionary(variants, net, initial_marking, final_marking, parameters=None)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_variants_list_petri_string(variants_list, petri_string, parameters=None)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.apply_variants_list_petri_string_multiprocessing(output, variants_list, petri_string, parameters=None)[source]#
- pm4py.algo.conformance.tokenreplay.variants.token_replay.get_diagnostics_dataframe(log: EventLog, tbr_output: List[Dict[str, Any]], parameters: Dict[str | Parameters, Any] | None = None) DataFrame [source]#
Gets the results of token-based replay in a dataframe
- log
Event log
- tbr_output
Output of the token-based replay technique
- dataframe
Diagnostics dataframe