Processes are the backbone of any organization.
Our solutions enable organizations to gain insights into their processes from data, identify optimization opportunities, and streamline their processes.

Technology originated at

Frauenhofer FIT Logo

PIS — Process Intelligence Solutions

PIS, a spin-off from Fraunhofer FIT, specializes in developing innovative software solutions for process mining, including PM4Py and PMTk. By leveraging advanced data analysis and process mining technologies, PIS helps organizations streamline their processes and achieve operational excellence.

PMTk — the Process Mining Toolkit Logo

— the Process Mining Toolkit

PMTK is an all-in-one software tool for analyzing processes and event logs. It combines cutting-edge process mining algorithms with an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

On-Prem & SaaS Licensing | Free Academic License | SQL Support | BPMN Support | Conformance Checking | Process Discovery beyond DFGs | Intuitive Data Filtering | Performance Analysis | Process Variant Analysis | Customizable Dashboards | many more ...

explore PMTk
PM4Py–Process Mining for Python Logo

— Process Mining for Python

PM4Py is a leading open-source process mining library for Python, designed for use in both academia and industry.

Open-Source | Closed-Source Commercial Licensing | State-of-the-art Process Mining Algorithms | Process Discovery | Conformance Checking | Predictive Process Mining | Organizational Mining | Clustering Techniques | Object-centric Process Mining | many more ...

explore PM4Py
Code snippet showcasing PM4Py’s powerful, easy-to-use capabilities
A directly follows graph (DFG) generated using PM4Py