Technology originated at
PIS, a Fraunhofer FIT spin-off, develops the process mining software solutions PM4Py and PMTk and distributes licenses for commercial and academic use.
Visually explore processes and event logs in an intuitive UI. PMTK implements several state-of-the-art process mining algorithms in a user-friendly fashion.
on-premises & cloud licensing options | free academic licenses | SQL support | BPMN support | powered by PM4Py | conformance checking | process discovery beyond DFGs | extensive data filtering options | many more ...
explore PMTkDesigned to be used in both academia and industry, PM4Py is the leading open-source process mining library written in Python.
open-source & closed-source licensing options | state-of-the-art algorithms | process discovery | conformance checking | predictive process mining | organizational mining | clustering techniques | object-centric process mining | many more ...
explore PM4PyA small glimpse into the simple application of PM4Py